Finally, after working all night and reading a lot of Google pages about setting and debugging Google App engine (GAE) I finally integrated it with Eclipse. Bellow you’ll find my steps to setting GAE.

1. Download your favorite Eclipse release and remember it in order to download a correct GAE plugin, then in Eclipse go to help” menu and click on /install new software” menu option. this will show you the install plugin window, in the “Work with” input field, copy and paste the URL of the GAE repository according of your Eclipse release, in my case I have Eclipse Juno version, so my URL is: , for a complete list of GAE Eclipse  plugins, click here


2. After installation, you’ll see a google button in your toolbar with a list of options, is this tutorial We’ll select and click “New Web Application Project…” option yo create a brand new GAE Web Application.


3. Fill out the the fields with your project information, in this case We’ll uncheck the Use Goolge Web Toolkit” checkbox because I will only create an servlet application without converting code to javascript.


4. Now, I have modified the /war/WEB-INF/index.html file in order to have a different window title output for our web app.


5. Now We’ll compile and run our web app by clicking on “run/run as a web application” menu option, this will enabled a localhost server on default 8888 port, on the console windows you will see a detailed information about launching local server.


6. At this point you should test you application in a web browser at the URL localhost:8888 location, you’ll see the Google App engine server with a list of applications


7.  And Finally, the servelt will show you the common “Hello, world” output, So, we will modified it in order to check the server and development natural modify/test pattern.

